主演:Dominic Gates Zipporah Kuria Justin Green Edward Pierson Eric Havian Peter A. DeFazio Dan Carey Dennis Tajer 唐纳德·特朗普 巴拉克·奥巴马 Ted Cruz Dennis Muilenburg Stephen Dickson Elyab Tilahun Michelle Pierson
导演:卡里姆·阿米尔 Omar Mullick
简介: Flight / Risk follows everyday people who find themselves in the midst of a global tragedy when two Boeing 737 Max planes crashed only five months apart in 2018 and 2019. This powerful documentary is told through the perspective of affected family members, their legal teams, whistleblowers, and Pulitzer-winning Seattle Times journalist Dominic Gates.
主演:Dominic Gates Zipporah Kuria Justin Green Edward Pierson Eric Havian Peter A. DeFazio Dan Carey Dennis Tajer 唐纳德·特朗普 巴拉克·奥巴马 Ted Cruz Dennis Muilenburg Stephen Dickson Elyab Tilahun Michelle Pierson
导演:卡里姆·阿米尔 Omar Mullick
简介:Flight / Risk follows everyday people who find themselves in the midst of a global tragedy when two Boeing 737 Max planes crashed only five months apart in 2018 and 2019. This powerful documentary is told through the perspective of affected family members, their legal teams, whistleblowers, and Pulitzer-winning Seattle Times journalist Dominic Gates.
主演:莱斯特·赫特 玛丽亚·巴尔蒂罗莫 彼得·詹宁斯 切斯利·舒伦伯格 理查德·恩格尔 Peter A. DeFazio 唐纳德·特朗普 赵小兰 Ted Cruz Andy Pasztor Zipporah Kuria Dennis Muilenburg John Cox Michael Stumo Richard Blumenthal Rick Ludtke
简介:在《一落千丈:波音大调查》这部令人不寒而栗的纪录片中,曾获奥斯卡提名的电影人罗瑞·肯尼迪揭露了企业对问题的漠视和贪婪如何导致两架波音 MAX 737 飞机在短短五个月内相继失事。在航空专家、新闻记者、前波音职员、美国国会和受害者家属的主导下,这部电影揭开了一家曾经备受推崇的公司背后一味削减成本和掩人耳目的文化。《一落千丈:波音大调查》痛斥来自华尔街的败坏影响,并指出美国企业所秉承的理念的危险之处 — 有时这甚至事关人命。本片由罗瑞·肯尼迪执导和制作,马克·贝利制作和联合编剧,布莱恩·格拉泽和朗·霍华德监制。
主演:Dominic Gates Zipporah Kuria Justin Green Edward Pierson Eric Havian Peter A. DeFazio Dan Carey Dennis Tajer 唐纳德·特朗普 巴拉克·奥巴马 Ted Cruz Dennis Muilenburg Stephen Dickson Elyab Tilahun Michelle Pierson
导演:卡里姆·阿米尔 Omar Mullick
简介: Flight / Risk follows everyday people who find themselves in the midst of a global tragedy when two Boeing 737 Max planes crashed only five months apart in 2018 and 2019. This powerful documentary is told through the perspective of affected family membe
简介:Season 5 finds Murder, She Wrote's intrepid Jessica Fletcher in fine sleuthing form, and venturing farther afield from Cabot Cove--a good thing, since at the rate the murders have been happening, that town would be nearly cleaned out. Some of the best episodes take place in more exotic locales like New York (dead man on the street, wearing just one shoe), Montana (a publishing ...
简介:As Murder, She Wrote saunters through its sixth (of an eventual 12) season, star Angela Lansbury maintains her eternally buoyant and inquisitive air as Jessica Fletcher, professional writer and amateur sleuth. Though Jessica continued to investigate murders in her home town of Cabot Cove and elsewhere (in the worlds of high finance, opera, and voodoo, among other settings), thi...
简介:Angela Lansbury returns as mystery writer Jessica Fletcher, and more people are turning up dead wherever she ventures! From killer fashion to ancient curses to death at the rodeo, Jessica Fletcher is the only one clever enough to read between the lines and see the clues nobody knew were there.
简介:Angela Lansbury returns as mystery writer Jessica Fletcher, and more people are turning up dead wherever she ventures! From killer fashion to ancient curses to death at the rodeo, Jessica Fletcher is the only one clever enough to read between the lines and see the clues nobody knew were there.