简介:阿比没有想到自己的女友原来是个同性恋,气恼的他决定不去上大学,而是在女友经常抨击的美国快餐鸡肉馆里找了份工作。问题是,这家快餐馆建立在印第安人的墓地上,当那些印第安人的灵魂附身到那些死鸡上,将会发生什么事呢? 由惊悚喜剧大导演Lloyd Kaufman倾力制造的《Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead 》颠覆了丧尸界一成不变的景象:将丧尸造型最大化的歪曲,凡是被病毒感染的人都要变成顶着鸡头的活死人!虽然此片的造价极低,但场景却是非常可观——超过数百人的演出阵容(绝大部分都是扮演丧尸)决不容小看。影片的拍摄地是美国一个偏僻的小镇,许多人都是在看拍摄剧组热闹的同时抵制不住诱惑而纷纷加入丧尸行列做即兴表演…… .
简介:近未来,人类文明几近崩溃,暴力冲突接连而起。与此同时,神秘而致命的病毒肆意蔓延,被感染者化身为嗜血凶残的丧尸,其数量呈几何数疯狂递增。医学对此束手无策,人类世界毁灭在即。幸存者在白天四处奔走,晚上则多在安全之所,只求残喘偷生。 就在这危难时刻,一群身怀绝技、武功高强的人类自发组成猎人团体,出没于黑暗之中,猎杀那些泯灭人性的丧尸。此前,一部分幸存者躲在一座医院内,但随着感染范围不断扩大,医院已变得危机重重。陶(史蒂芬·西格 Steven Seagal 饰)所率领的6人猎人小组进入医院,因为政府即将在这片区域投掷炸弹,陶必须在此之前找到最后的幸存者…….
简介:在美国小镇一家超市的付款通道中,一个黑人对一个10岁白人小孩(JacksonRobert Scott饰)微笑,不曾想,这个善意的举动受到误解,引发了帮派之间的对抗,并以惊人的结局收尾。 A small supermarket in a blue collar town, a black man smiles at a 10 year old white boy across the checkout aisle. This innocuous moment sends two gangs into a ruthless war that ends with a shocking backlash. .
简介:Heartless follows Sofie and Sebastian - two siblings with a deep dark and fatal secret. In order to survive they must suck energy out of other people. We follow their quest for answers as to why they are this way and their search leads them to Ottmannsgaard, a boarding school with plenty of deep dark secrets of its own..
简介:Heartless follows Sofie and Sebastian - two siblings with a deep dark and fatal secret. In order to survive they must suck energy out of other people. We follow their quest for answers as to why they are this way and their search leads them to Ottmannsgaard, a boarding school with plenty of deep dark secrets of its own..
简介:A gruesome homage to the cult Amicus anthology Asylum, Cradle of Fear unfolds four screamplays all linked by the unspeakable need of an incarcerated child killer to wreak vengeance on those responsible for his imprisonment. Helped by deranged angel Dani Filth, who leaves a trail of charnel house death in his crimson wake, the cannibal convict forces two Goth vamps to endure a one night stand from hell, two tough female robbers to see through each other, an obscenely rich coke-head to chop up more than a few lines and an internet surfer to descend into madness when he uncovers the ultimate web depravity..
简介:隶属环球生物公司的科学家维拉?科林斯(Jessica Steen 杰茜卡?斯蒂恩 饰)正在进行一项危险的试验,她通过改造、放大毒蛇体内的毒性,然后提取所需要的物质以治疗癌症。但令其始料未及的是,这些蛇也因此变成了可怕的掠食者。 某天噩梦终于降临,基因突变的毒蛇从研究所逃出,它们一路奔袭,吞噬一切可以下咽的食物,人类和动物全在其掠食范围之内。附近的村庄因此遭殃,侥幸逃生的尼姬(Tara Reid 饰)和汉克(Stephen E. Miller 饰)必须想方设法从这个已经被恐怖毒蛇占领的小岛上逃出…….
简介:About a pompous, aging alcoholic and a tourettes-inflicted ten-year-old boy who are forced to spend a week together at a high-end hotel. The only thing these two have in common is that they are both difficult to like. The hotel serves as their shared escape from the outside world and the problems it presents..
简介:It tells the story of a group of pranksters who scares a homeless girl and accidentally injuring her. One by one, they start encountering a shadow whose glare causes them to fall severely ill and die.
简介:Set in the 16th century, a sheriff working on a series of murders has to choose between his conscience and protecting his family when he's tied to the crimes. 西班牙反犹和欧洲霸主地位的转换历史。 sonychen 注
主演:David Bradley 约翰·瑞斯-戴维斯 Todd Jensen 阿隆娜·肖 罗恩·斯梅尔扎克 Rufus Swart Anthony Fridjhon Shalom Kenan Robert Whitehead Frank Notaro Steven Leader Kurt Egelhof Billy Mashigo Seldom Ngwenia